Always the first weekend in June!
The organizer is the Mátra Biker Sport Club (MBSC) non‑profit sports organization. The main event of the Tour de Mátra is the two-day road cycling race (paid event). As a friendly club, from fans and riders to cycling enthusiasts and professionals, MBSC is suitable for all levels and actively encourages all to get involved. This weekend lets you climb our iconic mountain and pass some of the most spectacular views along the way. Race entry:
This year, our event is part of a series of events leading up to the 2023 World Athletics Championships! The biggest event in Hungary’s history, the 2023 World Athletics Championships will be held from 19-27 August 2023, in Budapest, in the brand new National Athletics Centre. More information:
Everyone interested is welcome to take part in the free hiking, walking, and running tours in the Mátra Mountains during the weekend! Registration is free and entry starts on 1 May 2023:
Free concerts during the weekend! CandyMen Duo plays on Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 to 14:00. Erős Pista RHCP Tribute Band spices up the mood on Saturday from 16:00 to 18.00 on the hill, the highest peak of Hungary!
This event is perfect for a weekend away with your family and a great way to explore the countryside and Hungary's highest peak at 1014m (3,327 feet).
Always the first weekend in June!
[HU] A Mátra Biker Sport Club sportegyesület egy példamutató életmódért dolgozik. Célja, hogy a Mátra-hegység régióját fizikailag aktívvá tegye, ahol boldogabb és egészségesebb emberek élnek. 2019 óta céljai közé tartozik az esélyegyenlőség biztosítása, a társadalmi részvétel és befogadás előmozdítása, az aktív életmód és a sport népszerűsítése, a digitális kompetenciák fejlesztése, a fiatalok felelősségvállalásra buzdítása, az önkéntesség támogatása, a turizmus fejlesztése, a kultúra támogatása, a fenntarthatóság és környezetvédelem, valamint a nemzetközi kapcsolatok erősítése. 2020 óta teljes mértékben zöld és papírmentes rendszert alkalmaz a sportolói regisztráció és tagnyilvántartás terén, 2021 óta pedig a Magyar Kerékpáros Szövetség által akkreditált Tour de Mátra sportfesztivál és egyéb sportprogramok felelős szervezője.
[EN] The Mátra Biker Sport Club works for an exemplary lifestyle. Its goal is to make the Mátra Mountains region physically active, creating a place where happier and healthier people live. Since 2019, its objectives have included ensuring equal opportunities, promoting social participation and inclusion, encouraging an active lifestyle and sports, developing digital competencies, fostering responsibility among youth, supporting volunteering, developing tourism, supporting culture, promoting sustainability and environmental protection, and strengthening international relations. Since 2020, it has implemented a fully green and paperless system for sports registration and membership management. Since 2021, the club has been the main organizer of the officially accredited Tour de Mátra Sports Festival and other sports programs under the accreditation of the Hungarian Cycling Federation.
By adopting sustainable practices, our sports organization has been contributing to a better world:
- Free hiking, running, and walking tours at the Tour de Mátra festival.
- Our events are plastic-free.
- We work towards a zero-waste policy.
- We regularly organize clean-up days where we educate members and the community about sustainability and environmental protection.
- We encourage our members and event participants to use sustainable transportation options like walking, cycling, or public transport to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote healthy lifestyles.
- We are a responsible and socially aware organization.
- We promote diversity and inclusivity.
- We engage in community development initiatives.
- We keep trying to attract environmentally and socially conscious sponsors, partners, and fans.
- We are committed to digitization. We don't accept cash anymore. We use Stripe.
- Save money and save your planet by opting to repair rather than replace or buy new items for your bike!
- Ride your bike regularly for your health and for the planet!
In Hungary, you can request that 1% of your previous year's paid Hungarian personal income taxes be given to support the activities of a non-profit organization without any loss to your income. A second 1% may also be given to a church/religious organization. Designating your 1% is easy, confidential, and enables Hungarian taxpayers to support worthy causes in Hungary at no financial cost. The Mátra Biker Sport Club as a non-profit organization is entitled to receive 1% donations under the 1% Law. In Hungary, the filing deadline for tax returns is 20 May.
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MBSC Tax No: 18024502-1-10
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The Mátra Biker Sport Club is proud to be a 1% for the Planet environmental partner! 1% for the Planet is a registered nonprofit in the USA. As a partner, our nonprofit sports club is eligible to receive donations from 1% for the Planet businesses and individuals globally, on behalf of members’ annual 1% commitment. Members give directly to Environmental Partners and 1% for the Planet certifies these donations. For this option, there is no deadline. Thank you for your support! ❤ More information:
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MBSC VAT ID: HU18024502
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If you would like to donate outside of the 1%, you can do so here. Your donation means a lot to us and helps us make a real difference. Thank you for your generous support!